Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Amazon Macie and S3 Security

AWS S3 got into limelight lately for wrong reasons, more here (1, 2, 3). S3 security policies are a pain in the neck to understand, we will cover about security in the context of S3 in a detailed blog later. Before the cloud was there it took a few days to weeks for procuring the hardware, software, setting them etc. But with the cloud, it takes a few minutes to create an S3 bucket, put some sensitive data and finally set some wrong permissions on them.

Meanwhile, AWS launched Macie to protect sensitive data from getting into the wrong hands. Here is the blog from AWS launching Macie and here the documentation on how to get started with Macie. The blog explains nicely on how to get started with Macie. Also, look at the Macy FAQ here. Initially, Macie covers only S3 data, the plan is to roll Macie for other services like EC2.

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