Kubernetes Articles

The way we are building applications had been changing from monolithic to microservice based architecture. The new microservice based architecture is agile when compared to the monolithic and provides both advantages and disadvantages.

Microservices are based on Containers and for the last few years there had been open source projects around them. These open source projects addressed some of the common concerns and problems around Containers. This way the developers can focus on the business logic and not on the underlying technology related concerns. Some of the open source projects in the Containers space are mentioned below. The ecosystem around them is changing rapidly, so I emphasize the word SOME again. Most of  these projects fall under Cloud Native Computing Foundation and not under the Apache Software Foundation, so it it would be interesting to follow the CNCF blog here.
As mentioned this is a rapidly changing space and will change how we build and deploy the applications in the future. To help the readers of blog, I will be writing articles around Containers. Containers can be deployed in the local machine and also in the  Cloud, I would be covering both of them. This page is a summarization of the same. Keep looking !!!


Book Reviews

Getting Started with K8S

K8S Fundamentals

Debugging in K8S



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