Step 2: In the Putty execute the below commands to install the AWS CLI.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python2.7 python-pip -y
pip install awscli --upgrade
export PATH="$PATH:/home/ubuntu/.local/bin/"
Step 3: Create an IAM Role with AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess and attach it to the EC2 instance in the Private Subnet.
Step 4: Lets remove the internet connection for the EC2 instance in the Private Subnet. For this select the Routing Table for the Private Subnet and click on Edit Routes. Delete the route for and click on "Save routes".
The Route Table will be updated as shown below.
Test out the internet connectivity (ping") and also try to get the list of files in S3 (aws s3 ls). Both the commands should fail. Press Ctrl+C to come out of the commands.
Step 6: In the VPC Management Console, go to "Endpoints" and click on "Create Endpoint".
Search for S3 in the Service Name and select "". Make sure to select the VPC which was created in the previous step and select the Private Subnet.
Rest of the default options are good enough. Click on "Create endpoint" and the Endpoint will be created in a few minutes.
Step 7: Go back to the Route Table of the Private Subnet and note that a Route has been automatically added to the VPC Endpoint.
By default when we consume any AWS service from an EC2 instance the network traffic goes through the internet, which is not really secure. And there is an additional cost for NAT and Internet Gateway. By using the VPC Endpoint Gateway we noticed that the network traffic remains within the AWS network only. This makes it easy for migrating the applications to AWS and also make sure they are compliant.
Great! Thank you for the article